HUMBOLDT LAB Headhunters’ Paradise
Humboldt Lab Dahlem | Headhunters’ Paradise
Creating Temporary Perspectives.
Headhunting is certainly a controversial topic, especially for a generation of Naga whose elders were still involved in this tradition. So, creating a perspective on this needs to be very fluid and multifaceted. Curated by Zubeni Lotha from Nagaland and Dr. Roland Platz from the Ethnological Museum Berlin, this intercultural team opened up the opportunity to work on a joint perspective. In the Exhibition we presented them a very temporary and multilayered approach, that combines story, interviews, artefacts, videos and images in a way to create an individual snapshot of and perspective on this discussion and to showcase its fluidity. An approach that delivered a result everybody involved was able to identify with.
“[…] About two dozen of the results will be included in the future exhibition in the Humboldt Forum. Certainly, to be included will be the media project ‘Headhunters’s Paradise’ – one of six parts of the last of the ‘rehearsal stages.’ Unforgettable photographs will accompany the rather unassuming pieces from the culture of the Indian Naga in Dahlem.”
– Harald Jähner, Der Tagesspiegel 25.6.2015